In This Issue


Cabinets certified to last

For nearly six decades, the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association has ensured that cabinets can withstand the abuse they endure every day in a typical household.

Closets Conference & Expo News

Closets Conference/Wood Pro Expo Florida return to West Palm Beach

Registration is now open for the co-located events to be held April 12-14. More than 1,000 closets and woodworking professionals are expected to attend. In addition to daily keynotes, attendees will hear from experts on topics including design, hiring and retaining labor, digital marketing, writing contracts, adapting CNC manufacturing, and ensuring professionalism in your business.

Wood Explorer

Brazilian rosewood: Highly prized but highly restricted

Brazilian rosewood, also called jacaranda, is perhaps one of the most beautiful woods in the world. However, extensive harvesting over the past three centuries has virtually eliminated this tree from the Brazilian forests, so that today it is not supposed to be harvested. The only material that can be sold legally is old stock; such material has to display a CITES Certificate, noting special approval. As might be expected, the wood is expensive.